Martha Terry: Planning Board hearing to address flexible development in South Hadley

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Published: 09-18-2024 4:15 PM

I am writing to alert the citizens of South Hadley, including all Town Meeting members, of a very important meeting of the Planning Board on Monday, Sept. 23, at 6:30 p.m. This virtual meeting is a continuation of a public hearing on proposed amendments to the town’s zoning bylaw on flexible development and associated bylaw amendments, which will be included on the Special Town Meeting warrant in November.

Anne Capra, director of Planning and Conservation in South Hadley, has written the following regarding these proposed zoning by-law amendments: “The goals of these amendments are to improve functionality and safety for multimodal transportation, improve stormwater management requirements in relation to climate change impacts, integrate considerations for community character and quality of life in plan evaluation, and improve administrative processes for more effective permit compliance and enforcement.”

Here is the link to the draft of the proposed by laws for you to read and study as well as information for the Sept. 23 virtual meeting : Please plan to attend this virtual meeting and voice your opinion. If you cannot attend, please submit your comments to the Planning Board as follows: Planning Board, Town Hall, 116 Main Street, South Hadley, MA 01075, or via email to 

Martha Terry

South Hadley

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