Special TM set for Tuesday in Leverett

Published: 11-17-2024 2:53 PM |
LEVERETT — Purchase of a new truck for the Highway Department and financial support for ongoing work being done near the Heritage Park, adjacent to the North Leverett Sawmill, are among articles being presented to voters at a special Town Meeting Tuesday.
Action on the four-article warrant begins at 7 p.m. at the Leverett Elementary school gymnasium.
For the truck for the highway crews, $90,000 is being sought from available funds.
From the Community Preservation Act balance set aside for open space and recreation, $8,508 would go to the Friends of the North Leverett Sawmill to pay for its research and trail and bridge work at the Graves Ironworks.
Another $114,900, from the Community Preservation Act balance set aside for affordable housing, is being transferred to the Leverett Affordable Housing Trust.
The final article is to comply with a state law that allows members of boards and committees that hold adjudicatory meetings to miss a session of a hearing, but not be disqualified from voting if certain conditions are met. Panels that would be included are the Board of Assessors, Conservation Commission, Community Preservation Committee, Cultural Council, Board of Health, Historical Commission, Library trustees, Personnel Board, Planning Board, School Committee, Select Board, Tax Relief Committee and Zoning Board of Appeals.