No contested seats in Southampton election May 21
Published: 05-09-2024 11:41 AM |
SOUTHAMPTON — Southampton’s annual town election will take place on Tuesday, May 21. Residents will vote for a moderator, town clerk, almoner, Board of Health member, cemetery commissioner, Park Commission member, Personnel Policy and Procedure member, Planning Board member, tree warden, and water commissioner.
Two Select Board seats are also currently open for election, and Joy Piper is not seeking reelection to the board. Other seats to be voted upon include members of the Board of Assessors, Finance Committee, Library Trustees, and School Committee for Hampshire Regional High School and Norris Elementary School. More information about these positions and their term durations can be found on the town’s website.
There are no contested seats in this year’s election.
Nomination papers are available at the town clerk’s office. Polls will be open from noon to 8 p.m. at the Senior Center on College Highway for both precincts.