A Look Back: March 25
Published: 03-24-2023 10:02 AM |
■Miss C. M. Snow proposes to open a School for Young Ladies, in a central situation on Pleasant Street, for the instruction of young ladies in the following branches of education: reading, writing, English grammar, geography, rhetoric, history, arithmetic, Hedge’s logic, the elements of natural philosophy, chemistry, painting, and needlework. Terms of tuition, three dollars per quarter.
■Notice! This is to forbid all persons trusting or harboring on my account Bela Clapp, of Southampton, a spendthrift, for I will pay no debts of his contracting after this date but will amply support him if he will stay at my house. – Luther Clapp, Southampton.
■Two tablets have been placed on the walls inside the front entrance of the nurses’ home at Dickinson Hospital. One is a memorial tablet and the other one of recognition of the gift of the home. Two new bookcases have been added to the equipment in the private ward at the hospital.
■Mayor Bicknell had dinner with Lt. James Sheeran and the members of Troop B of the state police at the barracks on King Street yesterday. After meeting the old and new members of the troop, Mayor Bicknell gave a short talk to the men which was greatly appreciated.
■A masked man held up a city gas station at knifepoint last night and made off with $130, which was recovered minutes later when a determined attendant overpowered the culprit. A man with a woman’s stocking pulled over his head ordered George Tirell of Easthampton, a night attendant at Burr’s Discount Gas House on Easthampton Road, to hand over the money in the cash register.
■“I want to voice my 1,000 per cent disapproval of the campsite,” an OxBow area resident told the Planning Board last night, and so it went as the board joined the opposition to a developer’s proposed 56.1-acre project off the western tip of Island Road.