Bob Henry: School Committee SRO failure

Published: 07-31-2023 4:46 PM

The Northfield School Committee, I believe of seven, recently voted unanimously to not have an school resource officer (SRO) in the district. While the Northfield Selectboard of five … overwhelmingly favored having an SRO in the district. How do we as a community have such a differing viewpoint on the “safety and security” of our children and grandchildren? How is having an SRO in the school make one feel unsafe?

When you take your kids to the beach/community pool … I bet you favor a beach/community pool with a lifeguard vs. a beach/community pool without one. Why? Bcause even with many adults around that could save someone’s life there is a specially trained lifeguard to spot, recognize and react to specific circumstances. This is exactly why your child and or grandchild should attend a school with an SRO.

For Northfield, the School Committee wins in decision only while the safety and security of our children is actually compromised. I am shocked that the entire School Committee got this wrong. Franklin County Tech School get ready for an increase in your student enrollment.

Bob Henry



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