Keyword search: Northampton MA
Harsh weather conditions of significant snow combined with freezing rain, a lack of adequate salt supply and a shortage of available workers has left residents up and down the Pioneer Valley in slippery situations.
First of all, sincere wishes to Gazette columnist Bob Flaherty for a quick and full recovery from the very serious injury he incurred on the bike path, and kudos to the two walkers who came to his aid, and to the Hadley police, Acton EMS, and the staff at Baystate Hospital.
In 1993, while visiting our niece at Smith College, I noticed that strangers in town smiled at me as we passed. Cars stopped for pedestrians in the crosswalks! Dazzled and delighted, I fell in love with Northampton. Twenty-five years later, seeking a lively, welcoming community in which to grow old, Will and I moved to Northampton. We haven’t been disappointed.
I am writing to express my pride as a resident of Ward 3 in having Quaverly Rothenberg as my City Council representative. There’s an often quoted phrase that appears in the classic movie “Inherit the Wind” — that the job of a journalist is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comforted. I would say it is also the job of a good politician. (We all know there are many politicians who do exactly the opposite.)
I am writing this to my fellow residents of this wonderful city to voice my bewilderment and disappointment regarding this year’s budgetary actions by the mayor, supported by many city councilors, that gutted Northampton school funding. The resulting loss of many teachers and paraprofessionals is unfathomable to me given this city’s apparent value in public education.
On Feb. 8, I was asked to speak at a rally in front of City Hall in Northampton intended to energize our common resistance to the multiple horrors being unleashed by Donald Trump and the oligarchs who surround him. After I spoke, several people suggested that my speech should be published because it had been helpful to them. My thanks to those who sought me out to say: Share your message.
NORTHAMPTON — In the sleepy village of Florence, some big new developments have people talking change.
A new video store is coming to downtown Northampton. That’s right — a video store, in 2025!
It’s no small feat to celebrate a 150th birthday. In 2025, Smith College is commemorating the sesquicentennial anniversary of its founding with programming throughout the year to celebrate the legacy and history of the women’s college.
In the wake of the Oct. 7, 2023, attacks on Israel, one of the groups to that came out in strongest support for Israel’s right to defend itself against Hamas was the American evangelical Christian community. In light of the events, this was a completely understandable response; Hamas’ attacks on Israeli soil were beyond tragic and were particularly alarming among American Christians and Jews, for whom Israel is of unique religious significance.
NORTHAMPTON — Residents were given an opportunity to learn about their city’s role in the history of slavery in the United States, viewing short documentary films and discussing the topic of reparations on Tuesday at Edwards Church.
NORTHAMPTON — A long-awaited plan to develop the prominent Elm Street property where the former St. Mary’s Church is located downtown will come before the Planning Board on Thursday night, as developers are poised to outline their plans for a project that will include 71 market-rate apartments, a future cafe and a 37-car garage.
Seeing many kids struggle in the post-pandemic moment, and with so much uncertainty with national politics, it is reasonable to turn to our closest elected officials and confirm that we’re on the right path. So, as a Northampton public school parent, I’ve paid close attention to the discussion over education funding in our city. I love our public schools, and believe they are the backbone of our city.
I am writing to enthusiastically endorse Laurie Loisel in her recently announced candidacy for Ward 3 City Council. I had the pleasure of getting to know Laurie when we both served (she as president) on the board of the local nonprofit Council of Social Agencies, which serves as a resource and network for Hampshire County human service providers.
NORTHAMPTON — Over the course of two hours Monday at the State House in Boston, legislators sitting on the Special Commission on Combating Antisemitism presented numerous pro-Palestinian exhibits — resources that educators might use in their classroom — drawn from a members-only section of the Massachusetts Teachers Association website.
If we were living in an era when newspapers had sufficient resources and considerable clout, every paper in the country this week would be running a banner headline in bold: “EXTRA! EXTRA! BILLIONAIRE MUSK STAGES COUP.”
The administration of President Donald Trump continues to target transgender individuals through a string of executive orders, with a more recent order likely to not just affect individuals but educational and athletic institutions in Massachusetts.
Running errands downtown in the bleakness of last Friday’s rain really drove home to me both the potential flooding crisis from known-to-be insufficient storm pipe sizing; and the absurdity of thinking that our little town of already half-empty storefronts could economically survive the Picture Main Street project.
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