Keyword search: South Hadley MA
It’s not often that we get to tell readers to skank to their hearts’ content, but that’s entirely the point of an upcoming event at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Feb. 8: namely, “The 1st Annual NU England Ska Summit,” an all-ages festival celebrating ska and nu metal (which the event description jokingly calls “the two most respected genre’s [sic] of music”) at CitySpace in Easthampton.
SOUTH HADLEY — The South Hadley Police Department has launched a new program that employs radio tracking technology to quickly locate and save residents who are prone to wandering off.
SOUTH HADLEY — South Hadley’s interim superintendent is warning that the slew of new executive orders and funding alterations coming from the Trump administration could destabilize the district’s budget next fiscal year if federal education and health care costs are cut.
The ever-shifting tariff landscape took a turn late Monday, as the U.S. agreed to pause tariffs on Canada for 30 days, several hours after agreeing to do the same with Mexico. China, meanwhile, was also preparing to talk trade with President Donald J. Trump about impending tariffs on its goods.
Honestly, if you simply preached the Gospel to Donald Trump and made him listen, he’d be outraged. All that stuff about loving your enemies, the last shall be the first, and rich men having a hard time getting into heaven? “Radical ideology.”
SOUTH HADLEY — It took a leap of faith for Mount Holyoke student Diamond Abiakalam-Chinagorom to commit to a historically women’s college in bucolic Massachusetts an ocean away from her home in bustling Lagos, Nigeria.
SOUTH HADLEY — A preliminary report on shared services between Fire District 1 and Fire District 2 outline several possibilities for collaboration on purchasing new equipment and standardizing technological systems between the two governing bodies.
Even though we are in the winter season, work is continuing on the Route 9/Norwottuck corridor. With this project, MassDOT is making it evident that safety is a paramount concern. Safety of pedestrians, bicyclists and autos is being addressed in all aspects of this project. The design of “separate” paths” for bicyclists and pedestrians and autos represents a new level of safety.
SOUTH HADLEY — Residents worried about drivers speeding through their neighborhoods now have a new way to request traffic calming measures from the town.
Brainstorm! What if we employed Harry and Meghan as a U.S. cut-rate version of the royals! For some annual stipend they could do the kind of things royals do in Britain! Visit new factories and sewage treatment plants, cut the ribbon for new municipal parking garages. Elevate the tone a bit and give them something to do.
GRANBY/SOUTH HADLEY — Police are warning residents to keep their cars locked after three unlocked vehicles were stolen on Saturday night in neighborhoods off Route 116 that runs through Granby and South Hadley.
GRANBY/SOUTH HADLEY — Whenever 16-year-old Thomas DeWitt passed through West Street Cemetery in Granby, he noticed gravestones sunk or slumped over, each murky with grime, among fallen limbs and a decrepit shed.
I am writing to alert the citizens of South Hadley to a very important community forum on Jan. 16 at 6 p.m. in the Community Room of the South Hadley Main Public Library.
SOUTH HADLEY — The public is invited to weigh in on the first draft of preliminary zoning recommendations for the Route 202/33 corridor at the fourth public forum on Thursday night.
I am old enough to have had a father who fought in World War II. Because of graduate degrees he had, the Army put him in their chemical warfare battalion. These troops had to lug mustard gas shells around all over Europe, in case the Germans should...
SOUTH HADLEY — As Leon Davis walked up to the podium to accept the first place medal at the International Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Federation’s World Tournament on Dec. 13, he hadn’t yet realized that the victory made him one of just 17 Grand Slam...
South Hadley is a very good place to own an electric vehicle. This is because we are a municipal light plant town, as are Holyoke and Chicopee, so our electric rates are about half those of investor owned utility (IOU) towns. In addition, electric...
SOUTH HADLEY — The 205-acre Lauzier Farm off Alvord Street is the last large farm property in South Hadley, and it will remain so for generations to come as permanently protected agricultural land.That’s because the farm now has an agricultural...
BELCHERTOWN — A 26-year-old woman who allegedly robbed a bank in South Hadley last week with the help of an unwitting getaway driver is facing charges of armed robbery and making a bomb threat.Rosa Murillo of Springfield pleaded not guilty to those...
For the past two years, I have been engaged in an arduous journey to compel the South Hadley Water District 1 Board to comply with Secretary of State Determination SPR 22-1997 regarding cell phone records. This battle for transparency has escalated to...
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