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Displaying articles 81 to 100 out of 212 total.

Lifting spirits: Holyoke veteran surprised with free holiday lights display at his home
12-15-2023 1:15 PM


HOLYOKE — On Wednesday evening, Holyoke veteran Kurt Bluemer arrived home to twinkling white lights lining the porch rail, roof and bushes outside his house and a prominent wreath hanging from the top window.The decorations were hung earlier that day...

Pop-up printing event in downtown Holyoke for clothes, goods with local art continues Friday
12-12-2023 10:57 AM

Staff Report

HOLYOKE — An ongoing pop-up project in which a screenprinter and local artists make clothing and household items that can be used as holiday gifts continues Dec. 15.Paper City Clothing Co., run by screenprinter Carols Peña, is coordinating the...

Family of cannabis worker sues over 2022 death at Holyoke production plant
11-22-2023 10:49 AM


SPRINGFIELD — The family of a woman who died after suffering an asthma attack from working in a Holyoke cannabis production plant is suing the corporation that employed her, a health and safety manager and a contractor.Lorna McMurrey, 27, died in...

Guest columnist Patrick O’Connor: How much we’ve lost by having just one new school
11-19-2023 2:11 PM


It is really hard to watch Holyoke Mayor Joshua Garcia and School Superintendent Anthony Soto cheer for the construction of one new middle school when so many of us know what we lost. We know the damage one middle school will cause to our children’s...

Amy Driver: Tortured turkey a sad story
11-12-2023 6:42 PM

Sad story about animal cruelty and a tortured turkey [“Two men face charges over injured turkey,” Gazette, Oct. 31]. It's a tough world out there, the news is so alarming and difficult. It's worse when we have to read about young adults at UMass...

EPA grants to enhance air pollution monitoring in region
11-10-2023 5:03 PM


AMHERST — Amherst’s Hitchcock Center for the Environment will be taking an active role in ensuring rural communities in the area are part of an expanded regional air pollution monitoring network, while Holyoke residents will be among those benefiting...

One for the record books? Florence man’s 40-mile pumpkin paddle ends with ‘only one near-capsize’
11-07-2023 4:21 PM


Hop in a car at the Stillwater Bridge in Deerfield and you can make it to the Dinosaur Footprints in Holyoke in about a half-hour. A bicycle can you get you there in roughly 2½ hours and walking will likely take you eight hours. Dave Rothstein now...

DA Sullivan presses for legal drug-use sites at State House hearing, saying need has never been more urgent
10-24-2023 6:00 PM


BOSTON — Stressing that legal drug consumption sites would save hundreds of lives and that there isn’t a moment to waste, Northwestern District Attorney David Sullivan implored lawmakers on Monday to muster up the courage to pass legislation before...

Sharon Farmer: Many benefits to pairing affordable housing with land conservation
10-18-2023 9:39 PM

Kudos to the Kestral Land Trust, the city of Easthampton, Mass Audobon, Community Builders, and the anonymous donor for moving forward with Growing Green: Easthampton, which will convert 53 acres of hayfield, meadow and riparian forest into an 11-acre...

Girls Inc. gets a $2M federal boost for new headquarters in Holyoke
10-17-2023 11:42 AM

Staff Report

HOLYOKE — A $2 million federal earmark is supporting the renovation of the 480 Hampden St. headquarters and program center for Girls Inc. of the Valley, a nonprofit organization that serves to empower more than 1,000 girls from underserved...

2 suspects charged with accessory to murder in fatal Holyoke shooting
10-17-2023 9:53 AM

Staff Report

HOLYOKE — Two Holyoke residents who allegedly helped one of three suspects wanted in connection with the fatal shooting of an infant on Oct. 4 are facing charges, according to the Hampden district attorney’s office.Jose Galarza, 31, and Jay Marie...

State Police K-9 unit apprehends suspect who hit, dragged trooper by car on I-91 in Holyoke
09-22-2023 8:01 PM

HOLYOKE — After an extensive search Friday afternoon, state and local police found a suspect whose vehicle struck and dragged a Massachusetts State Police trooper on Interstate 91 near the northbound Holyoke rest area Friday afternoon.State Police...

The race for Holyoke’s Ward 7 councilor: Three squaring off in Tuesday preliminary
09-22-2023 1:33 PM


HOLYOKE — Three candidates for the open Holyoke Ward 7 City Council seat will compete in a preliminary election Tuesday to determine which two contenders advance to the November general election.Eileen Brady Leahy, Meagan Magrath-Smith and Steve N....

Holyoke School Committee seeks end to state receivership of school district 
09-20-2023 5:52 PM


HOLYOKE — The Holyoke School Committee voted unanimously to petition state Education Commissioner Jeffrey Riley to release the city’s public schools from state receivership during a special meeting on Monday night.All eight committee members appeared...

Holyoke Police arrest Greenfield woman walking with weapons in trash bag
09-19-2023 11:40 AM

HOLYOKE — A Greenfield woman with no license to carry or FID card was arraigned in Holyoke District Court on Monday after being arrested by police while walking on High Street carrying guns and knives in a trash bag.Sheri Sulewski, 58, pleaded not...

Holyoke woman seeks damages over forcible arrest
09-14-2023 6:19 PM


NORTHAMPTON — A lawyer representing a Holyoke woman whose arrest by Northampton police sparked backlash has officially filed a claim for damages with the city, seeking monetary compensation on behalf of her client.Dana Goldblatt, an attorney based in...

Settlement commits Holyoke to $27M in sewer work to cut discharges into river
09-14-2023 11:56 AM


HOLYOKE — A consent decree requiring Holyoke to cut back on sewage discharges into the Connecticut River, a settlement reached in March with the U.S. Department of Justice following violations of the city’s federal and state wastewater discharge...

Guest columnist Patrick O’Connor: Officials paid handsomely, yet poor kids can’t get bus to school
09-11-2023 6:21 PM


While Holyoke Mayor Joshua Garcia claims the city cannot afford to bus children through an unsafe area, school administrators and city officials continue to get paid handsomely. Just take a moment to look at some of these top 2022 school salaries, as...

State of Florida man arrested, charged in Turners Falls shooting case
08-31-2023 9:34 PM


GREENFIELD — The Florida man who was the subject of an hourslong search Tuesday after allegedly shooting a Turners Falls man in the thigh was arrested as a vehicle passenger in Holyoke later that day and arraigned in Greenfield District Court...

State funneling millions into region for climate resiliency projects
08-30-2023 10:00 PM


NORTHAMPTON — A $682,085 project for watershed planning for the Mill River in Williamsburg and $304,800 for resiliency improvements on Emerald Place in Easthampton are among the $28.5 million in Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Action Grants...

Displaying articles 81 to 100 out of 212 total.

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