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Let’s Talk Relationships: Your new year’s ‘evolution’: Taking stock of your relationship patterns
01-10-2025 10:40 AM


It’s that time again for thinking about the new year ahead and what aspirations we may have for ourselves. The beginning of a new year can awaken motivation to engage in habits, activities and goals that are good for us. For example, we might want to stop drinking or smoking, exercise more, be more patient with our spouse and children, eat healthier, treat ourselves with more kindness, or carve out more opportunities for fun and pleasure.

Displaying articles 1 to 16 out of 16 total.

Let’s Talk Relationships: In the spirit of boldness and openness: Bringing the conversation to a new local TV show
02-07-2025 10:44 AM


Being that relationships play such a huge part in the quality of our lives, I am expanding beyond my relationship coaching practice and monthly newspaper column to host a local television show. It will be called “Let’s Talk Relationships,” the same name as this column. I want to provide you, my readers, as well as others in our local community, an additional resource where you can benefit from the discussions we will be having about important, relatable relationship topics.

Love is in the airwaves: Queer dating radio show creates connections and community
12-20-2024 10:04 AM


Finding love is all about finding someone on your wavelength. A radio show at the University of Massachusetts Amherst wants to help the local queer community make romantic connections, one guest DJ at a time.On the show “Queer Yenta Radio Hour,” which...

Let’s Talk Relationships: How to handle feelings of shame: The holiday season can be a triggering time for many
12-06-2024 11:33 AM


Shame is a topic not easily talked about. And that is why I feel enthusiastic about writing about it. That’s my thing — discussing and writing about topics that we often hold at arm’s length and don’t dare think or talk about.But why am I choosing to...

Let’s Talk Relationships: Building emotional intelligence for strong partnership, part 2
10-18-2024 11:50 AM


In my last column, I highlighted how emotional intelligence is a strong determinant of the success and flourishing of partnerships and marriages, as well as friendships, work and family relationships. Briefly, I defined emotional intelligence as...

Let’s Talk Relationships: Break free of defensiveness: How to recognize and stop unhealthy communication habits
08-16-2024 9:32 AM


If you have ever found yourself responding to someone in a conversation by being defensive, join the club. Whether in romantic, platonic, family or professional relationships, when someone lets us know we have done or said something we might not like...

Let’s Talk Relationships: Triggers happen: What to do when your buttons get pushed
07-11-2024 1:23 PM


We all get “triggered” at times in significant relationships with loved ones. This happens when we react so strongly to what the other person is saying or doing that our thoughts, feelings and behaviors are out of proportion to the current situation....

Only Human with Joan Axelrod-Contrada: Marching to a ‘Different Drum’: Is Living Apart Together the future of relationships?
06-20-2024 2:39 PM


Linda Ronstadt’s 1967 song “Different Drum” came out during a time of changing gender roles in our country.While the commitment-phobic Peter Pan had long garnered praise as a ladies’ man, the woman who bucked expectations of domesticity got saddled...

Let’s Talk Relationships: Is my assumption true? Unpacking the stories we tell ourselves about other people
05-31-2024 3:52 PM


When our partner or another individual in our life says or does something that leaves us confused or troubled, there is a human tendency for us to create a story about it. Basically, we jump to conclusions. We don’t have all the facts, so we fill in...

Only Human with Joan Axelrod-Contrada: Dating across the aisle: Can we see past politics in our relationships?
05-09-2024 12:57 PM


Every time I hear “One Tribe” by the Black Eyed Peas my idealistic and dance-happy sides unite in sonic bliss.I picture everyone coming together in some magic club beaming the feel-good vibes of the boundary-busting band, washing away all our...

Let’s Talk Relationships: Breaking up is hard to do: These tools can help it feel easier
05-03-2024 1:49 PM


All of us have probably decided to end a relationship at some point in our lives, as well as having been in a relationship where we were broken up with.A breakup, separation, or divorce is a pivotal and tender time in one’s life. I’d like to shed some...

Let’s Talk Relationships: Talk to me like you love me: How to use words to love your partner better
04-05-2024 1:49 PM


As time goes by in a relationship, and partners get to know each other more, there will be inevitable hurts, disappointments and upsets. This is what happens when we share our life with another human being. We each come from our own backgrounds,...

Let’s Talk Relationships: Your voice matters: An open invitation to share your thoughts
03-01-2024 11:52 AM


I have always found the topic of relationships fascinating and intriguing. In my monthly column, I write about romantic love, along with other significant relationships, and the perplexing challenges that we all inevitably face.Although it may be easy...

Let’s Talk Relationships: Single on Valentine’s Day? How to be your own valentine
02-09-2024 12:31 PM


Many of us are facing Valentine’s Day with a lack of enthusiasm, to say the least. You may be newly single and are feeling raw and shaky. You may have been on your own for a long time and here you are, solo, once again on this holiday. Or you may find...

Let’s Talk Relationships: How to give a good apology: Apologizing is key to restoring trust in relationships
01-26-2024 12:31 PM


It is inevitable that we are going to make mistakes and sometimes hurt others, even those we love. When a relationship has been impacted by harmful words or actions, offering a sincere, heartfelt apology can go a long way toward mending the rupture....

Only Human with Joan Axelrod-Contrada: Welcome to the ‘Magical Land of We’
02-09-2023 3:49 PM


Relationships are like Venn diagrams.We all start with a circle of our own, which I call Myself. Then another sphere comes into our orbit as Yourself. Together, we create a special area of overlap: the Magical Land of We.Every relationship develops...

Let’s Talk Relationships: A special relationship: The one with yourself
01-09-2023 10:48 AM


What is great about you? Do you believe you are lovable, just as you are? Are you proud of having gotten through some struggles? Can you express your feelings and needs, and say “no” when needed? Do you believe you deserve to be happy?You may have...

Displaying articles 1 to 16 out of 16 total.

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