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Williamsburg voters to pick new Select Board member on Saturday
11-02-2023 1:11 PM

By Sophie Hauck

WILLIAMSBURG — Three candidates for Williamsburg Select Board will go toe-to-toe Saturday in a special election to fill one vacant seat on the three-person panel. Richard Kisloski, Patrick Sumner and Paul Wetzel are running to fill the vacancy left...

Displaying articles 1 to 16 out of 16 total.

South Hadley orders dog put down: In emotionally-charged hearing, victims recount June attack that killed small dog
08-06-2024 5:13 PM


SOUTH HADLEY — After an emotional two hours of testimony Monday night from witnesses of a local dog’s three attacks from the past year, the Select Board deemed the dog dangerous and unanimously voted that it be humanely euthanized.“What’s really...

Minor, Kuhnlenz to fill two open spots on Belchertown Select Board
05-21-2024 3:39 PM

By Emilee Klein

BELCHERTOWN — Two new faces will join the five-member Select Board next term following Monday’s town election.Nicole Miner, who ran on a economic platform advocating for a fiscal responsible budget, and Whitney Kuhnlenz, a new resident who focused on...

Labonte wins tight Select Board race in Granby
05-21-2024 3:37 PM


GRANBY — David Alan Labonte narrowly edged out three other candidates to win a seat on the Select Board on Monday. Labonte received 307 votes, or 36 more than Micheline Turgeon’s 271 votes. The other two candidates, John Arcouette and Nathaniel Albin...

Four-way race shapes up for Granby Select Board
05-10-2024 4:06 PM


GRANBY — Candidates in the coming town election — including the seven candidates in contested races for Select Board and Housing Authority — recently outlined their views at a candidate night forum in hopes of swaying residents to vote for them when...

Gravel pit defenders in Granby make case
04-09-2024 2:31 PM


GRANBY — David Trompke grew up walking and riding his bike down Bachelor Street back when five gravel pits were in operation.Now, at 75, the lifelong Granby resident whose family developed a subdivision off Trompke Avenue wants to lease 19 acres for a...

Southampton Select Board selects a new town administrator
01-23-2024 9:51 AM


SOUTHAMPTON — Over the years, Scott Szczebak has hung a painting that overlooks Southampton, Easthampton, Northampton and the Oxbow in his office. That painting will soon have a new home in Southampton’s Town Hall, where next month Szczebak will step...

Hadley Select Board revises liquor license for Young Men’s Club
12-27-2023 11:20 AM


HADLEY — A revised club alcohol license for the Young Men’s Club that offers more flexibility for where members and their guests can be served and consume alcohol at the 138 East St. property, including on an outside deck, has been approved by the...

Conservation land on Southampton’s special TM docket
12-03-2023 2:00 PM


SOUTHAMPTON — At a special Town Meeting on Tuesday, voters will decide whether to appropriate around $420,000 to permanently conserve over 700 acres of land as part of the Mountain Waters Project.The project, which the town of Southampton, Kestrel...

Westhampton planning chair Bronstein wins Select Board seat by 4 votes
06-06-2023 9:49 AM


WESTHAMPTON — Susan Bronstein defeated Jonathan Albitz by four votes in the town’s Select Board race on Saturday, according to Town Clerk Katrin Kaminsky’s unofficial results.Bronstein, the chairperson of the Westhampton Planning Board, said Monday...

Westhampton’s Dowling: ‘It’s time’ to step down
06-02-2023 3:28 PM


WESTHAMPTON — As a longtime member of the chief executive body in town, Phillip Dowling has seen a lot of matters come before the Select Board.From disputes over dog bites and financial obstacles to procurement and hiring, Dowling has worn several...

Southampton Select Board nixes special election, will likely go with 4-member board until May
07-24-2017 10:14 PM


SOUTHAMPTON — A vacant seat on the Select Board will likely remain unfilled until next May.In an informal 2-2 vote earlier this month, the board’s four remaining members decided that it would be too expensive to hold a special election in October to...

Amid recall effort, Southampton Select Board member abruptly quits
07-04-2017 10:14 PM


SOUTHAMPTON — Facing an effort by some residents to boot her off the Select Board for absenteeism, Shannon Cutler lashed out at her Select Board colleagues in a tersely worded resignation letter submitted to the town late last week.“I tried to fight...

South Hadley to host coffee klatch
06-20-2017 8:21 AM

SOUTH HADLEY – The Select Board will be hosting a coffee hour Wednesday morning.The “In The Community” event will be hosted at McCray's Farm & Creamery from 8 to 9 a.m.Residents are encouraged “to stop by, grab a cup of coffee (or an ice cream – we...

Southampton Select Board hopefuls lay out priorities at candidates event
04-28-2017 12:12 AM


SOUTHAMPTON — Four candidates running for the two seats on the Select Board all voiced parallel concern for a top priority in town — a new public safety complex.“If we don’t do anything within the next few years, it’s literally going to fall down,”...

Candidates for Southampton Select Board to share views at Wednesday forum
04-25-2017 11:53 PM


SOUTHAMPTON — With two seats open on the Select Board and four candidates running, the town is holding an event Wednesday night to help inform voters.Southampton’s “Meet Your Select Board Candidates” forum is at 6:30 p.m. at Town Hall, 210 College...

Select Board race heats up between neighbors
12-26-2016 10:15 AM


HATFIELD — Select Board meetings can stretch deep into the night. They can be dull.But every once in a while, there’s a flash of drama, some simmering issue that needs to be addressed. Things can get tense, and then awkward, if only for a few...

Displaying articles 1 to 16 out of 16 total.

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