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Amherst elders appeal to council for senior center support
01-10-2024 11:38 AM


AMHERST — Senior citizens are appealing to the Town Council to provide better financial support for the Senior Center and make a commitment to paying for physical upgrades and security improvements to the space reserved for senior citizens at the...

Displaying articles 1 to 5 out of 5 total.

South Hadley town administrator proposes merging three departments
02-22-2024 5:42 PM


SOUTH HADLEY — The town’s recreation and veterans services departments and the Council on Aging will merge under a new human services department in fiscal year 2025 to maximize impact of social and mental health services within new budget...

It’s about the people: Southampton Council on Aging director to retire in June
02-27-2023 12:39 PM


SOUTHAMPTON — After five and a half years at the helm of the town’s Council on Aging, Joan Linnehan has announced she will retire in June.“It’s time another person takes the reins” and to see the success of a future new senior center, she wrote in a...

A lifeline for seniors: As living costs skyrocket, senior centers can help those on fixed income find assistance
02-24-2023 5:43 PM


EASTHAMPTON — With utility rates skyrocketing well past where they were last year, and the increased costs of food, medicine and housing, the burden can quickly become too much for those living on a fixed income.Cynthia Tarail, director of the...

Happy feet: Monthly clinics offer sorely needed foot care
01-17-2018 3:08 PM


Jenny Marshall of Leverett leans back in what looks like a fancy lawn chair while a woman kneeling in front of her is cradling Marshall’s feet in her hands, buffing away at her toenails, rubbing away the cracks in her heels and scrubbing her calluses....

Report: Three strategies may help, can’t hurt, brain health
06-22-2017 10:57 AM


WASHINGTON — Are you seeking steps to keep your brain healthy in old age?There are no proven ways to stave off mental decline or dementia, but a new report says there are hints that exercise, controlling blood pressure and some forms of brain training...

Displaying articles 1 to 5 out of 5 total.

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